Friday, June 19, 2009


So I forgot Matt's birthday too. The only difference between Ayesha and myself is Ayesha hasn't gotten a chance to speak to Matt since before his birthday. I, on the other hand, have talked to Matt very close to everyday (every other day at least) before and since his birthday.

Normally I would give an excuse, and while mine is a good one in my opinion, there is no excuse for missing his birthday by 2 weeks and never saying Happy Birthday. (Especially after I publicly stated that Matt should be slapped).

Normally I would do some very mushy "Matt is so special to me" line, but instead I will do something that doesn't happen very often...

I have slapped myself four times: Once for missing his birthday, once for talking to him since his birthday, once for being such a bad friend and once ::sigh:: for telling others to slap the shit out of him a few days ago.

I hereby retract that request, seeing as he's already been backhanded by his friend Ken for me (THANKS KEN!). It would be cruel to have the request up and have people still slapping him, no matter how much I wanted that to happen...


I Love You, Man!!! (if you noticed, between me and Ayesha, you're Happy Birthdays are the color of the White Star Line!)

1 comment:

  1. Awww you guyz!!!

    But enough of this. Back to slapping annoying people!!! I will soon be blogging about some dumb fat bitch who walked up to me and my friend at the mall and asked if we were gay, laughed, then walked away. Bitch.

    But seriously, love you all!
