Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cheddar Bay Biscuits!

I love Red Lobster! Ok that was a lie. I like Red Lobster a lot. I absolutely love seafood though. And nothing makes eating out better than a side of Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I fucking love those damn biscuits!

I'm addicted. I say that about a lot of things, but I really think I should go see Dr. Drew over this. I once yelled at my mom for days because she had only brought me two fucking biscuits home with her. I will sit down in the restaurant and eat nothing but those damn biscuits and then just take my food home to eat tomorrow... with like 8 biscuits in the bag.

I just had takeout from Red Lobster two days ago and I stole my mom's portion of biscuits for myself. But I was generous though; I let her have one. Don't want to be a jerk or anything.

I even looked up how to make them. It's a complicated process that yields light, buttery, cheddary goodness that melts in your mouth. Ohhh yeah... I would fuck that shit out of those biscuits given the opportunity. Like, for real for real!

If you don't go to Red Lobster for the biscuits, you haven't lived. And if you don't like them, then you hate everything that is good about food. More biscuits for me bitches!

My name is Nick and I have a problem. No! Fuck that! Those biscuits are fucking delicious!

- SBP Mobile: Slapping Bitches on the Go

1 comment:

  1. omg...those God-given, entirely titillating delicacies were a topic of conversation when Bob's parents took us out to Olive Garden last week. Bob's never experienced them. This is sad. Those biscuits are the SHIT!

    (this is Kaity by the way. love you!)
